關於我們(About Us)

本公司建立於2000年,為氣墊設施、活動旋轉廣告一系列的製造供應商,也是首批帶動台灣 Inflatable 的先發 ,引入更多樣化的設計、製造更具娛樂功能及教育性的相關產品;更取得多項專利的許可認證, 是一家完全整合 Inflatable 系列產品的公司。
我們優秀的設計團隊,除了加強 Inflatable 的安全性及視覺效果,同時能將客戶的豐富構想及圖案呈現完成 ,讓產品更具發展的空間條件,創造另一層面的商機。
- 地 址:
- 台中市烏日區太明路60號
- 電 話:
- ( 04 ) 2406-7966
- 傳 真:
- ( 04 ) 2406-0226
- 電子郵件:
- service@i-inflatable.com
Our company was established in 2000 as the one-stop full-service manufacture of inflatable equipments and movable rotating advertisement signage. We are proud to be one of the first to lead the inflatable industry in Taiwan via importing more diversified designs in creating products that are more suited to entertainment and educational needs. We have obtained various patents and is a fully integrated company offering a full line of inflatable products。
Our team of elite designers and partners adds the safety and visual effects of each of our inflatable product, simultaneously visualize the ample creative graphics and concepts supplied by you, our valued clients! Doing so ,we expend the horizon of the product, and create another facade of potential selling points。
- No. 60, Taiming Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- TEL:
- +886-4- 2406-7966
- FAX:
- +886-4-2406-0226
- Website:
- http://www.i-inflatable.com
- E-Mail:
- service@i-inflatable.com